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Monday 24 October 2016 @ 00:25  0 stares
do you know that feeling when you think you're special? but you're actually not? he's the first thats actually really fucking nice to me that its making me have mixed feelings. i thought i was special. it made me feel happy. but then i realize. he's nice to everyone. haha. when he asked to take pictures with me, i was surprised. but he does it to everyone. im no exception. :]

21/10/16 - we played indoor games together. our fingers touched. strange. it made me feel happy. but my heart doesn't react at all. numb. its not beating hard as if im in love. i guess it was just an admiration? hurm.

23/10/16 - i realized his heart is taken. i knew. but that day confirmed it. although his love was unrequited. i am still not having any response from my heart. i also do not feel jealousy. indeed. it was not love. probably longing? longing for his attention? i dont know. im confused.